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6 Steps to Regroup and Take Action

Over the past couple of weeks, this idea of regrouping has kept showing up for me. It’s like a big billboard on the side of the highway screaming, “Stop! Where are you going?”

A big part of me wants to keep on driving. Of course I know where I’m going. I’ve taken so much care to map out my course. However, I’ve learned to pay attention to the message. If nothing else, messages like these are always worth investigating. Approaching a potential perspective shift with openness and curiosity often takes me to a place better that I imagined.

What does regrouping look like? Regrouping is the emotional and mental shift you make before stepping into a change. It’s the process of looking at your situation from a new perspective and using that new perspective to decide if and how things could be different.

Recently, I had to quickly regroup when Texas was hit with “Snowmaggedon 2021”. Completely unprepared for being “snowed in” with freezing temperatures, my family life and work life were suddenly derailed.

I had to step back and figure out what needed to be different so that we could manage through the unexpected challenges that this weather event dumped into our lives. I wanted to be intentional and proactive in how we dealt with our circumstances instead our circumstances completely controlling us.

This process of stepping back and reflecting on the disruption and how we could get back on track is regrouping.

Regrouping is the emotional and mental shift you make before stepping into a change.

Are you getting signals that you need to regroup? Is your work life hijacking your home life? Increasingly, you find yourself completing charts at home instead of getting to bed on time.

Maybe your priorities have gotten all out of whack. You’re sleeping less, no longer exercising, and you feel exhausted all day long. You’re only quiet time is the 30-minute commute sitting in traffic.

Fortunately, you have options, even under incredibly difficult circumstances. So, lets regroup. I’ve got just the tips to get you started. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re looking to make a big, career changing leap or a smaller tweak to become more present in your day. You can start living in greater alignment with your values and purpose today.

Try these 6 steps

1. Identify what feels off.

Chances are, if you need to regroup, something feels disruptive or off in your life. Take time to identify what is triggering that feeling and how it’s showing up.

For me, it was a frozen city that left me feeling disorganized and disoriented.

2. Ask yourself, “What do I need to let go of for things to be different?”

Consider what you might lose or leave behind if things were different? Would it mean a change in routine, a change in what you’re doing during the day or maybe just a change in your perspective? What are your feelings about leaving things behind? Feeling anxious or uncertain isn’t a reason to keep things the same, but difficult emotions are important to identify and manage.

During the storm, I knew that I needed to leave behind my need for predictability and routine. I was anxious but knew this was a necessary step. At least temporarily.

3. Think about what life would look like if things were different.

How might change be positive? Create a detailed mental image using as many senses as you can. This mental picture can help motivate you into active change, even when difficult emotions or complications arise.

I had to picture a whole different structure for my day that included dripping pipes, saving water, and having kids out of school while I worked a modified work schedule. Releasing the work pressure valve was a huge stress reducer.

4. Evaluate your resources.

Take stock of your mental, emotional, social, and material resources. Your resources are where you will draw energy from as you move from regrouping into action.

I considered our basic resources such as food, power and water as well as my physical, emotional, and mental endurance. I stayed in contact with my friends and family, one of my most powerful resources, sharing tips and experiences.

5. Who do you need to talk to?

Shifting perspectives can lead to changes in your interactions and behaviors. Whether it’s family, friends, or coworkers, there are probably other people that will be impacted once you put things in motion. Things will go much more smoothly if you keep important people in the loop.

Once the storm left us stranded at home, I had to continually check in with my family about how we could adapt to the situation.

6. It’s time to act.

You’ve laid the groundwork. Once you regroup emotionally and mentally, you can shift your new perspective into action. Your next step is planning your first action forward. A perspective shift is great, but real impact only comes through the action that comes from the shift.

During the storm, this started with temporarily releasing the pressure valve on work expectations, shifting my focus to my family’s needs and maintaining the physical integrity of our home.

You’ve got everything you need to make begin making emotional and cognitive shifts when you find the, “Where are you going?” message flashing in your view. Approaching this message with careful reflection followed by action will help lead you down a path of growth and discovery.


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